2014-12-18 - Decker Lane Sinkhole

^z 25th January 2023 at 6:33am

~18 miles @ ~11.4 min/mi

"What am I forgetting?" I ask myself at 5:05am, setting out from Mom's home in northeast Austin Texas. Half a block later, realize: "Flashlight!". Go back to get it — fortunately so, five miles later, when it saves me from tripping over a pile of rebar and falling into a ~50 foot sinkhole. Hmmmmm, maybe that explains the ROAD CLOSED signs that I ignore on Decker Lane?

The foggy December morn is pleasantly cool. Austin city lights glow like a pink sunrise in the southwest. Ducks quack from a pond. At the alliterative corner of Bloor and Blue Bluff Roads the jackrabbit is missing that sat here five months ago (see 2014-07-19 - Austin Texas Walter E Long Lake Trek).

After a wrong turn at mile 7, stay mostly on course. Traffic is fast and heavy, and the shoulder is decorated with weeds and anthills for miles 10-15. Much cautious walking ensues, with pauses to empty pebbles out of shoes.

Stop for photos at Rodeo Austin. Exchange "Merry Christmas!" greetings with the school crossing guard who wears a red Santa cap with white tassel. Wait in the freeway island for the light to change, then trot the final blocks. Resolve to be satisfied with 17.99 miles, and get a happy surprise when the GPS rolls over to 18 a few feet before Mom's driveway.

Runkeeper records route. |

^z - 2015-01-05